This game is made by Hudson in the year 1987. Here you are a fighter which looks like Bruce Lee. You move from left to right and must fight enemies. The enemies are grey monks, later they are green or orange. Also you must kick away poles, they are flying to you. On each level, which looks different, is a endboss awaiting you. With the A-Button you hit, with B you kick. First you are in the wilderness, later in a temple.

A simple game, but it makes fun for a while. The first levels are easy to solve. Some points you cant avoid to get damage. There are poles and rocks which are flying to you, you must kick them away. There are some extras which give you more hitpoints. Some obstacles you must kick away, some you must jump over. The background graphics changes after each level. You must not move to the right, your sprite is moving from alone.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the first half of September 2019
