This game is made by Sun Soft in the year 1989. This is a dungeon-crawler. You control with the stick, with A or B you shoot a batwing. In each level you must collect all items. In the levels are enemies walking, you have not to touch them. There is a continue-function. The game has a password-system. When you collect the boots you are faster.

This is a good game. It is not like on other consoles a horizontal beat-em-up, it has much variety. When you kill an enemy, he will respawn after a while. When you collect the bomb all enemies die. Be close enough on an enemy, because your batwing shoot only some meters. You start in Gotham City. It is based on the movie from 1989. When you die you lose all collected items.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the second half of June 2023
