This game is made by Culture Brain in the year 1988. This is an fighting-game. With the stick you move, with the A-button you hit. Each levelis only one screen. There are some men you must hit. When one die another come. They can hit you, too. But when you collide with them you don't lose a life.

This game is nice. But be aware,the mosnters you can't hit! There are some obstacles in the levels you can't move. Some enemies can shoot. This game was first a coin-op. Monsters have taken Princess Min-Min captive and have stolen the 10 treasures of the nameless land the game takes place in, leaving everything in sorrow. It is also re-released for the Nintendo Switch. The name of the player is Jacky or Lee.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the game.

I played it the first half of February 2023
