This game is made by Lucasfilm Games in the year 1987. Here you control with the keyboard a ship through the space. Enemy-ships are flying there you must shoot. After the first level you are landing on the deathstar. There is a narrow alley, you must dodge the obstacles. Also there are fiendish ships you must destroy. You have a protection-shield with the amount of 9. After this you are flying again in the space and after this comes a landscape.

The graphics are fast and there is some variety. This game was first a coin-op. But when you landing in the next section you lose a shield, thats bad. There is no digitalized speech voice like on Atari ST. The control with mouse would be better. First I was in the alley I kept flying above but then the level goes endless, you must shoot the enemy-ships. It is not the most intelligent game, but it makes fun for a while. In the begin is not the star wars theme like on Atari ST.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is no music in the game.

I played it the second half of December 2019
