This game is by California Dreams in the year 1989. This is a tetris-game. You control it with mouse and keyboard, with q,w,e,r. You see all from above in 3D. In level one it is very slow, later it gets faster. When you have made a special number of rows you get to the next level. When you click the left mousebutton the piece falls to the ground. Like in original is game over when your fallen pieces reach the top.

This is a good game. First I thought it is too hard, Tetris in 3D but with some practice it goes. The graphics look simple but it is enough. On the borders is a grid, so you can see where your piece is. In the begin you can set the level of difficulty. This game trains your room-thinking. But it is sad, that isnĀ“t shown the next piece. There are ten levels.
The controls are good, it is most of the game good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the first half of April 2020
