This game is made by Sega in the year 1989. This is a RPG. With the stick you move, with A is cancel, with B you call the menue and with C you select. The scenario is a mix of Science-Fiction and Fantasy. In the begin is a small intro. You start only with a knife and a standard armour. But you get a comrade, a girl with purple hair. You start in a main city of one of the continents. In the city you are safe, fights are only outside or in dungeons.

This is a great game. It is much bigger than the first part for Master System. Although it is top-down and you have a good overview, you need maps! But I was disappointed by the dungeons at first playing, because: The Dungeons were in PS1 in smooth 3D-view, here only top-down. The fights are not action, they are round-based. When you select "Fight" it goes automatically, but in the "Strategies" you can everytime select what to do. In the cities are marketplaces and health-centers. You can play it for a long while, it is maybe the best RPG for Mega Drive.
The controls are ok, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the first half of April 2024
