This game is made by Sega in the year 1989. This is a horizontal fighting-game. With the stick you move, with A is hit, with B is kick, with C is jump. This game was first a coin-op. It plays in a scenario after the third world war. Each level has a final boss. You can also meet friends which give you hints. Your name in this game is Aarzak. You must rescue your kidnapped girlfriend.

This is a nice game for a while. The sprites are big and good painted. Sometimes you must jump over tree trunks and rolling rocks. After a level you see a map where you can decide where to go next. Last Battle is a side-scrolling action game similarly to its predecessor Black Belt. The player takes control of Aarzak (Kenshiro in the Japanese original), who fights against his enemies using his punches and kicks. Aarzak can attack while standing, jumping, and crouching, for a total of six basic attacks. In addition to his life gauge, Aarzak has a power-up meter that will gradually fill as he defeats enemies.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the game.

I played it the first half of February 2020
