This game (Afterburner 2) is made by Dempa in the year 1990. This is an action-game. With the stick you move, with A is shoot, with B is shooting a rocket. "Afterburner 2" is equal to "Afterburner 1". In the game you have auto-fire. This game has fast 3D-graphics. You are flying with a Tomcat (F-14). But the landscapes could have more details. Instead of the Amiga-version this game is jerk-free.

This is a very good game. It is like the coin-op, it is the best Afterburner-version for at home. The music is also good. But the voice-speech could be better. After every second level comes a big aeroplane and gives you more missiles. There is a level where is no fighting but you must fly through a canyon. This game has a continue-function.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the first half of April 2020
