This game is made by Sega in the year 1987. You control a sweet penguin. With the stick you move, with A you jump, with B you break up a tile on the ground. The screen scrolls from up to down. You must get an egg to the ground down. You must break up a tile and then move the egg down. There are monsters you must avoid. When you move from up on the egg it breaks.

This is a nice game. You must first think before you play. Another name for this game is "Doki Doki". There are 50 levels. The name of your penguin is Overbite. The egg should not fall more than three fields, then it broke. You have three lifes. There comes sometimes a bird which throw a stone on your egg.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the first half of June 2020
