This game is made by Sega in the year 1988. This is an action-game in a fantasy-world. With the stick you move, with A you hit the sword, with B you jump. The first level is shown horizontal, it is like a jump'n'run-game. When you are out of the first cave you are in a landscape, the view is like in Zelda from above. You can search there some dungeons which are shown from above, too. Golvellius is named the evil of this game who has captured a princess. In the dungeon you can get new energy, important hints and better swords.

This game makes fun for a while. The first level is very easy, then it goes harder. There are shops and the money for it you get when you kill monsters in the landscape. In the dungeons the screen scrolls from upt to down. To rescue the princess you need seven crystals which are hidden in the dungeons. The saving is with a password-system. Fairys tell you the passwords which are in caves. Maybe the passwords are not good to use, they have 32 signs.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the first half of January 2020
