This game is made by Sega in the year 1986. This game is a sci-fi-shooter with spaceships. With the stick you move, with the A-Button you shoot, with B you shoot, too. The screen scrolls vertical, you fly from down to up. There are extra-weapons you can get. Laser and double-shot you can have. You can also have satellites, which substitute you. At the end of a level is an endboss you must defeat.

This game makes much fun for a while. It is fun to raise your weapon. But sometimes there are too many sprites on the screen. The graphics look nice. The first level is easy, later it becomes harder. On the cartridge is a bonus-game. It is the action-adventure "pit-pot". The graphics dont look good, but it is an interesting game.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the game.

I played it the first half of December 2019
