This game is made by USE in the year 1989. This is a sinking-ships-game. It has a password-system. With the stick you move, with A you put a ship or shoot, with B you turn your ship. The other name for this game is "Kaisen Game". You can select a radar with which you can see four fields. And you have a limited more-time-shoot. There is a 2-Player-Mode.

This is a nice game. It is an upgraded version of "battleships". There are some nice extras. For example you can scan four fields for the enemy. Or you can shoot some fields at the same moment. The music is dramatic and very good. With a link-cable can two player make a game. But it is sad, that the AI is not rising at higher levels.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the game.

I played it the second half of February 2020
