This game is made by Ocean in the year 1989. This is a racer-game. With the stick you drive, with stick ahead you give speed and with fire you toggle the gear. Your car has two gears. In every course you must catch another driver. There is a time-limit. The graphics are like on a spectrum. This game was first a coin-op.

This game makes much fun. Although the graphics are like on a Spectrum the driving-feeling is good. Nancy gives you always tipps and instruction for your mission. At some points are tunnels which you must driving through. Sometimes there comes a junction, but an arrow shows you the right way. This game was also translated for Amiga and some consoles. The first level is easy, later it becomes harder. You catch an opponent, when you always bump him.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the second half of January 2020
