This game is made by Activision in the year 1987. This is an action-game. You control with the mouse, with pressed LMB you move your satellite, with RMB you shoot. The screen is scrolling automatically from left to right. You must destroy many rockets of the enemy. SDI means 'Strategic Defence Initaitive'. Another name for this game is 'Global Defense'. There is a 2-Player-Mode.

This is a nice game. When you are comfort with the controls you have some fun. SDI is a Defence-Tactic of the USA in the Cold War. This game was first a coin-op. There are 12 levels, divided in offensive and defensive parts. There are extras, which makes you faster, or give you double-shots or upgrade your laser. The game isn't jerk-free. The first levels are easy, at the fifth level it becomes hard.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the second half of August 2020
