This game is made by Starbyte in the year 1990. This is a puzzle-game. You control with the mouse, with LMB you select a piece. You must find pieces of the same kind. It is similar to 'Shanghai'. There is a time-limit. The same pieces must lie in the same line or in a line with maximal two corners. When you remove the flashing pieces you gain extra-time.

This is a good game. It makes fun for a while to seacrh the fitting pieces. In higher levels come butterflies and seahorses which gave you more time. In the begin you have two "freeclicks" which helps you in hopeless situations. The graphics look nice, but the pieces are sometimes hard to differentiate. The difficulty of this game is medium. There are Game A and B: In A you can only select pieces of the same area (there are three areas), in B it isn't important which area your selected pieces are. Highscores will be saved on pressing the S-key.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the first half of August 2020
