This game is made by Microdeal in the year 1986. This is a karate-game after the movie. You move with the stick and with fire you kick. This game is of the second part of "karate kid", for the first part is no game. It is only for Atari ST made this game. You must fight against five fighter which will be stronger. With "P" you skip a fight. There is a 2-player-mode.

This game makes fun for a while. But the sprites are maybe too small. The background-graphics are good painted. The animations are jerk-free and good made. The highscore will not be saved. In the begin is the music of the movie. In this game are digitalized fight-cries. With the stick you can make 16 different moves.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the first half of February 2020
