This game is made by Thalion in the year 1990. This is a puzzle-game. You control a cursor with the stick, with fire you select. You must build a molecule which is shown. The atoms move so long until they bump on a wall or another atom. There is a timer running. Where to place the molecule is your choice. How much connections the atom have depends on its sort.

This is a nice game. It is a fine game-idea. The first level is very easy, but the second needs some practice. Some atoms you must use as stop-points. After some levels comes a bonus-level, where you must sort filled test tubes. But it is sad, when the time is over and you haven't finished you are game over. There stand the names of the molecules. It's ported to most common homecomputers.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the second half of July 2023
