This game is made by Addictive Games in the year 1989. This is an action-game. You control a diver with the stick, with fire you shoot and with space-bar you activate your inventory-item. There is a little intro. You can select between three scenarios. The first scenario is very normal, undersea with known fishes. When you not collecting oxygen you die. You have six lives.

This is a good game. The first scenario is very normal,the other two are special. The second scenario is in a dark sea with monsters, it is like a horror-game. And the second is a labyrinth-platormer,where you must find your way. Some monsters in the third scenario can shoot, you must roll off. When you want a normal game, play the first episode, when not the other two. When you die it is shown which creature killed you. The dynamite for the second episode you need is at the left side of the tunnel.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the game.

I played it the first half of September 2022
