This game is made by Discovery in the year 1989. In the begin you can choose if you wanna play a man or a woman. The screen scrolls horizontal, you move from left to right. It starts in a wilderness, then it goes to a fortress. Other levels are town, forest, cemetery and castle. You hit with the sword pressing the button. Sometimes there are extras which gives you energy. In the begin of each level is a letter with a poem. There is an extra which kills your enemy immediately.

A simple game, but it makes fun for a while. The graphics look very good and the sprites are big. The best level is the cemetery, it makes much fun when outside is night. It is sad, that there are not different hit-techniques. Also the AI of the enemies is bad. But it is not a bad game, everytime I wanna see the next level. Dont use the magic zepter to early, keep it for later for stronger enemies. My best is level 8.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the second half of October 2019
