This game is made by Mastertronic in the year 1988. This is a sci-fi-shooter. You move with the stick and shoot with fire. The screen scrolls vertical from up to down. There are enemies in the air and on the ground. This game was a low-budget-game. For the flying aliens you need one shot, for the cannons on the ground three. The level is wider than the screen, it scrolls smooth left and right.

For a cheap game it is very good. The scrolling is smooth and it is jerk-free. There are also extraweapons. "R" is auto-fire, "P" are power-shots. With "G" you are invisible for a while, with "H" you can change your height. You have five lifes. The explosions are very good animated. Each level has another graphic.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is no music in the game.

I played it the first half of March 2020
