This game is made by Virgin in the year 1990. This is an action-game. With the stick you move, with fire you shoot a fish. First you are a man, then you transform to a fish. You play Gumby which lost his mind. The enemies are bizarre like vikings in wheelchairs or pigs with screws. The player with less points is on the top of the highscore. There are four levels. In the begin is digitalized speech, sometimes come a funny seqeunce.

This game is nice. But you must be a fan of the Monty Python. The game is after the serial "Flying Circus". It is sad, there are sometimes unfair moments. First you swim as a fish in pipes and must find your way through. Some enemies are dead parrots and big nude feets. You can also be tranformed to a bird. Your brain you must find has 16 parts.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the first half of August 2020
