This game is made by Thalamus in the year 1988. This is a jump'n'run-game. It plays in a sci-fi-scenario. With the stick you move, with fire you shoot. The screen scrolls horizontal, you move left or right. To get to the next level you must collect symbols. At the top of the screen there is an left and a right eagle. They show you where the next symbol lies.

This is a great game. I had it before 30 years on C64, so I was now interested in the Amiga-conversion. Some said that the Amiga-version isnt good, but that is not right. There are no unfair moments in this game. The player-sprite is nice animated. Some symbols give you energy back. You need only special symbols, sometimes you must go to the right of the level to check if you have all needed symbols. You have three lifes.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the second half of January 2020
