This game is made by Firebird in the year 1988. You control a spaceship, in which you are sitting in the Cockpit and can see all from 3D. You can give speed or brake with the keyboard. With the joystick you fly up or down or rotate in all directions. With the button you fire the laser. You start in your home-station and first you buy some wares. Then you can fly, on the bottom you see the radar where you can see other stations or enemies. The enemies are with filled vector-gfx.

I know this game from C64, I played it this time on Amiga. This game makes much fun. But I played it only when outside is dark, I dont like it to play at day, when sun is shining. There are some enemies which are easy and some which are stronger and hard to defeat. But the docking on the station is too hard, later you can buy a docking computer. When I fly in Elite through the space I must think on the serie 'Ion Tichy'. I find it good, that the shield of your ship is regaining. There are many planets to explore.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the begin.

I played it the first half of January 2020
