This game is made by Starbyte in the year 1989. This game is a platform-game. With the stick you move, you must collect an amount of coins and diamonds. There are 82 levels. At some points there are ladders to climb up or down. Also there are teleporters which bring you to another place. You can also jump or shoot razors, but you must collect them first. The enemies are first dumb, but later they are hunting you.

This is a nice game for a while. To change a floor you must go in a funnel. Avoid the acid puddles. There are sometimes arrows where you can only go in one direction. Sometimes the enemies are unfair, later they are very annoying. Later come nice 3d-effects. The graphics are not spectacular but okay. The first levels are easy, later it becomes harder.
The controls are ok, it is good to play. There is music in the game.

I played it the first half of December 2019
