This game is made by Dinamic in the year 1990. This is an action-game. With the stick you move, with fire you shoot. This is a spanish game. First you have normal shots, later you get a flame-thrower and grenades. The enemies are most big insects. Sometimes there are big plants which want to eat you. Extras are falling from the top, they have more energy, a better weapon, a shield or an extra-life. After each second level you get a password.

This game is nice. It is a good platformer and makes fun for a while. But the game isn't jerk-free. The music is very nice, each level has his one melody. The foreign planet where the game play is named Dendar. You can get also a triple-shot. There is a time-limit. But when you jump your man is walking in the air.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the second half of August 2020
